Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 14: 'Course I got Jeopardy! at five o'clock. I watch Jeopardy!

Happy Sunday Readers! Yes, I know. I skipped a day. BUT, I was really busy yesterday! Let's get back on track. Here is the daily list of randomness...

1.) I had two people call me about the Jeep yesterday! I am trying not to get too excited but I am pretty optimistic about one of the offers I got. I have to meet with him next week to hammer out the details. Fingers crossed!

2.) I came to the conclusion this morning that I am very stuck in my ways. Every Sunday morning I wake up at 9:30 without fail. I get in the shower at 9:35 and I'm out 10 minutes later. I then eat my cereal and brush my teeth. However, this Sunday went a little differently and I now feel lost and confused (I added a little exaggeration to keep you interested). My nephew woke me up 8:50, and I had to eat my cereal before my shower because I had to feed him. This in turn threw off my whole morning process!  My friend Cory made a good comparison I think you will enjoy. Unless you haven't seen the movie then you won't get it at all...

This was me after I learned I would have to eat my cereal before my shower.

3. For tomorrow's food blog I am making a Hershey pie! It should be pretty fool-proof cause I don't have to bake it or use a double boiler. Oh, and the butter cake with caramel sauce turned out much better than I thought it would.

Today's blog is going to be pretty short. Day 14 requires me to show you a picture that I love and makes me happy. I am going to assume this means an actual picture and not one I copy and paste from the Internet. So here is my favorite picture...

This is my grandmother and I on some stormy boat trip we took back in 1991 that was much like Gilligan's but not as dramatic. My grandmother who was afraid of water, storms, and being on water in storms was clearly not having a good time. I appear to be basking in my own awesomeness and just taking it all in. I love this picture for several reasons...1) because I love being on the lake, 2) I loved my grandmother dearly, and 3) I think it is a hilarious picture! It makes me remember all the good times we use to have together. Every time I see this picture it makes me smile :-)  <---- see

That's all for today. I kept it short because I have to do Day 15 now!

And that's the way the cookie crumbles.


  1. Hahahaha...Dustin is totally the same way! He has a set routine every morning and if one thing changes he is all thrown off! FYI...I think Dustin was named after Dustin Hoffman! LOL! Totally fitting!

  2. Maybe it's that whole June 13th birthday thing we share lol I am glad you got the Rain Man references!
