Thursday, November 10, 2011

41 Reasons I Stay Motivated...Yes 41...50 was going to take too long

Hello readers (if I have any left)! I think today's post might be a little more serious than I normally get. I hope I don't lose you somewhere along the way. I'll try to make it interesting.

If you read my October blog then you know I go to the gym quite a bit. It's kinda my newest hobby now. Cooking was too expensive, I have no musical talent to speak of, and underground dancing lost it's appeal after I realized I had the rhythm of McLovin.

I've been working out for about 6 months now, and I LOVE it! One of the most commonly asked questions I get is "Wow, you are a sexy beast!" Oh, that was a statement not a question....awkward. Okay seriously the most commonly asked question I get is "How do you stay so motivated?" I can never answer this question because there is no ONE answer. There are a ton of things that keep me motivated to go to the gym day after day! Here is the list I have so far. Maybe a few will apply to you?!

1. I eat like a sumo wrestler in training. I have to keep it off somehow!

2. Summer 2012
3. My New Year resolution was to have abs by the end of this year. (cute abs, not scary abs)


4. Draw more attention to my super flat stomach rather than my super flat chest! (you can laugh, it's okay)
5. Skinny jeans
6. My boyfriend makes me (He goes and I feel like a fat slob if I don't lol)
7. Space in between my thighs
8. My arms don't keep waving after I stop saying goodbye

9. The hip-bone "v"
10. Gives me energy
11. I feel better
12. My health is better
13. It's fun (especially when you have a good partner)

14. It's time away from everything else
15. The compliments from Cory
16. The compliments from other women (you'd be surprised how much a compliment from the same sex really means)
17. The satisfaction a good work out provides
18. The confidence
19. The challenge
20. Be a good example for others
21. To one day be confident enough to work out in a sports bra and shorts so I can stop burning up in the gym
22. To be "that" girl at the pool
23. Play with my nephew and not die of a heart attack
24. See what my body is capable of
25. To be in the best shape I've ever been in
26. I want to be remembered as looking like this
27. I enjoy seeing the changes in my body
28. I'm tired of making excuses
29. To be able to say "I did it!"
30. I've never been the "hot girlfriend" in the group lol
31. I sleep better and longer
32. I don't want any regrets
33. I worry less about how clothes look on me
34. I want to be able to wear shorts and not have my thighs scream in agony
35. It doesn't bother me to have my picture taken
36. Still working on the "pooch" (girls know exactly what I'm talking about)
37. I want to master the pencil skirt!
38. I am more proud of myself now than I ever have been
39. Instead of competing with others I compete with myself now
40. I can be totally selfish. This is for me.

I realize I stopped using pictures at the beginning of the list, but the rest of them seemed like examples where I needed to put up a picture of myself and that wasn't happening!

41. Show people what I look like...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hot chicks...they are overrated.

Women can be irrational! *Gasp* I am a woman so I can say that. I got to thinking the other day how we women tend to hear things differently than how they were told to us by a man. Now don't get me wrong, men say some stupid, stupid stuff, but sometimes women read way too much into what was said. Here are a few examples of men sticking their foot in their mouths and women being crazy!

Disclaimer: Only a few of these have actually happened to me, for the most part they are made up!

1. What he said: "Don't worry about me flirting with that hot chick at work. I would never date a girl who gets hit on a lot."

What she heard: "Don't worry about me flirting with that hot chick at work. I like to date girls who are hideous. I don't have to worry about her cheating on me because no other man will have her."

2. What he said: "We'll talk about moving to a different city when your job makes more than mine does."

What she heard: "We'll talk about moving to a different city when I start to care about your job."

3. What he said: "It's not cheating if I think you are dead!"

What she heard: "Of course I'd start dating three weeks after you are lost at sea."

4. What he said: "_________(name of ex) use to put tomatoes in the chili."

What she heard: "This chili sucks and _______(name of ex) puts yours to shame."

5. What he said: "Is that really what you are going to wear?"

What she heard: "You look terrible and I want you to change before I leave you."

6. What he said: "Did you see the way that girl's boobs were hanging out of her shirt?"

What she heard: "I was staring at that girl's boobs and noticed how flat chested you were."

7. What he said: "I don't feel too good. What was in that chicken pot pie?"

What she heard: "I don't feel too good. Did you try to poison me?"

8. What he said: "Mom thinks you should ____________"

What she heard: "My mom knows best and she hates you."

9. What he said: "I was talking to Mom the other day and she said we need to ____________"

What she heard: "My mom knows best and she hates you."

10. What he said: "We are going to be late if you don't hurry up."

What she heard: "My mom was never late, she hates you, and you are slower than Christmas."