Saturday, July 16, 2011

Donuts don't stand a chance!

Have you ever had so many thoughts going through your head that you just felt the need to write them down and share them with people on the internet? Well, get ready for the most random blog yet.

1. I have henceforth decided that there will no longer be a "Reader of the Week". Instead, I have decided to choose one lucky reader to be "Reader of the Year". Right now I am taking nominations. In the lead is Elke Porter with her amazing youtube find that she shared with me.

If you would like to nominate yourself for ROTY, you can look back on previous blog postings for ideas on how to get in my good graces. Good luck to all of you!

2. Remember how I told you that I had a trainer at the gym now? Yes, well....he wants to change my eating habits. He told's so hard to type this....he told me I have to give up...JUNIOR MINTS! I feel so lost sitting here eating pineapple instead of Junior Mints. It doesn't seem right.

Look at how much more complicated this is! I have to unscrew the cap, find a ford, stab the pineapple, make sure I don't drip juice on me, and then screw the cap back on. With a box of Junior Mints all I had to do was open the box and eat the mints. Do you see where I am going with this?! Yes, that's right. Eating healthy is complicated. I knew you'd see my point.

3. There is a box of donuts sitting to my right. They are also much easier to eat than pineapple too. However, the force is strong in this one!

4. I am mad. I had a REALLY deep and insightful point to make here and after I spent 10 minutes typing it out the computer froze, kicked me off the internet, and didn't save what I had written! You know what, I'm not going to write it again. It was good too. You can all thank Mozilla Firefox for ruining this blog.

5. Okay, that was a bit melodramatic. However, I am still not going to retype everything. On a different note, I have decided that my nephew is the most adorable child to ever grace this planet. If you are a mother/father and are reading this...well, you just need to accept this fact. I mean, look at this picture!!

6. I've been flipped off a lot this week by strangers. I think it is because I am a good driver and they are not. I merely suggested with hand gestures to someone that they should indeed proceed me through the intersection even though I was clearly there first. They did not appreciate my kind gesture and flipped me off. I also told another driver with hand gestures that going 30 in a 40 was not safe. They also flipped me off. I was being so nice in these two situations and I only received inappropriate responses! People these days!

7. I don't like sandwich bags. Hear me out on this before you think I'm weird. I don't think it's the sandwich bag I dislike, I think it is the decision I have to make on portions that I hate. I'm always afraid I'll never put enough in the bag and I'll be hungry! Like today for instance, I just grabbed the entire bag of chips because I was starving at that time. Bad idea because now here the chips sit staring at me. But, had I packed a sandwich bag my mind would have told me that was not nearly enough. See my predicament?

Wow. I am almost ashamed of this post. It is the most random thing I do believe I have ever written. Why are you still reading this? Did you skip to the end? I would have.

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