Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 20ish: Arn't you glad I don't like bridges?

Hello, Readers! I plan to get back on track today with my blog challenge. First, here is the daily list of randomness.

1.) Never go to Steak N' Shake by yourself. Whatever self-esteem you might have had will be ripped from your grasp and trodden under the feet of your server. I walked in and she asked how many, I mumbled "one", and she asked very loudly, "JUST ONE YOU SAID?" I nod. She then led me to the biggest, widest booth near the front door. I asked to be moved to a smaller booth, and I ended up sitting in a dark corner. Then she continued to ask me every 5 minutes if I needed anything else. I finished my milkshake, left my confidence and self-esteem in my dark corner booth, and fled the building vowing to never eat alone again.

2.) Here is another bit of advise, don't eat Italian food without first taking heartburn medication if you normally suffer from acid reflux. For some reason lately I have felt like Superman and have decided I no longer need my Prilosec. However, that is not the case. I am pretty sure my heart is not functioning properly. I am hoping it is heart burn.

Or I could  be having a heart attack. I'll let you know.

*********15 minutes later***********

3.) This just in, it is not a heart attack. I drank a few cups of water and ate some Junior Mints, and I feel much better now. Thank you for your concern.

Okay, I have totally lost track of the days since I messed up, plus I skipped yesterday. I am thinking we are at Day 21 now? Sound good to you? Great. Today's topic is "nicknames". I think you will enjoy this.

I've been called several names other than my own over the years. Some were mean, some were nice, others were strange. I am going to share with you a brief history of those nicknames.

From 1993 to 2000 I was plagued with the nickname of Four-Eyes. I had glasses, which in itself is no big deal, but it didn't just stop there. I had bifocals AND I had a lazy eye. That is just a wedgie waiting to happen.

Mercifully, the Lord corrected my inward turning eye, and I was able to ditch the glasses. And by ditch I mean burn. However, I didn't grow any in height from the time I was five til I was thirteen. So that is is when I adopted the nickname of Shortney in 2001. My basketball coach gave me that little gem. Adults can be so cruel.

In 2002, I had grew an inch from the previous year and became more scrappy on the basketball court. Shortney then became Mighty Mouse. I felt a little better about that one. Still a shot at my height but I was okay with that.

I think I made it all the way through high school without any nicknames. I can't remember any if there were some. Once I got to college though it was a whole different story. In 2007, I adopted two nicknames that only a few people still call me. One is Captain. There is a long back story to this one but it is WAY too embarrassing to share. I am also called Chutney by that same small group of people. This back story involves a mildly mentally handicapped man with a speech impediment so I'll just leave that alone too.

And finally, the last nickname I picked up was in 2009. It hung around for a little bit but didn't stick. Only one person calls me Tiny Tyke now. Again, another shot at my height, but he is 6'6 so I guess him calling me that is okay.

I know what you are thinking, "Why didn't she fling herself off a bridge when she was 11?" Well, as I was writing this I wondered the very same thing. Other than the fact that I am scared of bridges, I think God knew that one day I'd be using my sad, sad past to provide humor to the masses via my blog.

And that, my dear friends, is the way the cookie crumbles.